MEF University, Faculty of Arts Design and Architecture, Interior Design Programme
2021-2022 / Fall
The course is an introductory survey for furniture design and emphasizes developing an understanding of furniture design as an expression of historical context through getting a general overview of 20th-century furniture history. The aim is to develop an approach that furniture design influences our behaviors, bodily movements, spatial experiences, and our behaviors influence design. Observation of everyday settings and analysis will form challenges for the familiar/ expected forms (What is?) and enhance developing innovative connections by asking: What if? MEF University, Faculty of Arts Design and Architecture, Interior DesignThe course is an introductory survey for furniture design and emphasizes developing an understanding of furniture design as an expression of historical context through getting a general overview of 20th-century furniture history. The aim is to develop an approach that furniture design influences our behaviors, bodily movements, spatial experiences, and our behaviors influence design. Observation of everyday settings and analysis will form challenges for the familiar/ expected forms (What is?) and enhance developing innovative connections by asking: What if?
Instructor: İpek Kay
Students: Gözde Uysal | Aslişah Arica | Dilara Alpman | Özge Hamurcu | Yiğit Alp Tepe | Sena Miray Çakan | Ata Ferhat Körpe | Esila Vicil | Gizem Ördek | Pelin Acar | Mahmut Kemal Göksal | Asli Özel | Melike Naz Zeyrek | Bahriye Elanur Kahya | Sude Tuğçe Eren | Merve Nur Tunçtan | Tuğçe Tuncay | Emine Merve Akosman | Karahan Karasu | Ahmet Yasin Gülayan | Dilara Tolu | Ahmet Gürsoy | Ardahan Görkem Tepe | Pelinsu Çelik | Ayşe Gök| Hasan Dönmez | Kutay Kocaman
Guest lectures:

Online Exhibition: